Finals Calculator

If you’re wondering what grade you need to get on your final exam, this calculator will help you figure that out. This simple calculator only has three inputs that you'll need to enter: 1.) your current grade, 2.) your desired grade for the class, and 3.) the worth of your final exam. If you don't already know your current grade for the class, then use our detailed Final Grade Calculator.


Enter your current class grade, your desired class grade, and the final exam worth. Then press the calculate button to determine what you need to get on your final exam.

Calculator Instructions

  1. Start by entering your current grade for the class in percentage. For example, let's say you currently have an 85% in the class. You would enter "85" into the first input box of the calculator (no need to actually enter percentage symbol).
  2. In the second input box, enter your desired grade for the class. For example, if you want to earn a 90% for the class, you would enter "90" in this box.
  3. In the third input box, enter how much the final exam is worth as a percentage of the total class grade. For example, if the final exam worth 35% of your grade, then enter "35" in the third box.
  4. Last, press the "Calculate" button to determine what you need to get on your final exam to get your desired grade.

Formula for Calculating Finals Grade Needed

Finals Grade Needed = ((gd x 100) - (gc - (100 - wf))) / wf


gd = grade desired

gc = current grade

wf = worth of final exam

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