
If you've found yourself on Calculator Genius, you're probably looking for just the right online calculator to make your life a little bit easier. Anything that can get the job done well and make your time a little more efficient is a great thing. I think this site will help you do just that.

This site is a growing collection of calculators that are fun and challenging to create. Each one has been hand built by me with love. When I set out to create a new calculator, my requirements are that each one must be super useful, add value for users, and be better than anything else out there. This site started with an idea to learn how to program. With each calculator created, I have been able gain knowledge and create a better tool each time. I'm excited about new calculators to come.

If you have any suggestions or are looking for a customĀ calculator for your website, please contact me.

All the best,

Calculator Genius